APRIL 15, 2023
Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes® announced their much anticipated 2023 search for their next recipe winner!
“We’re excited about adding a pizza sauce to our delicious collection of homecrafted pasta sauces”, said Wayne Luciano, Co-Founder and President of Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes. “We’re also looking for “picture-perfect” unique, pizza recipes. Maybe it’s one that’s been passed down in the family or a new, trendy creation… we’re allowing home cooks across America the opportunity to share their creations, and maybe their pizza sauce recipe could become part of the brand’s flagship pasta sauce product line.”
The “Picture-Perfect Pizza & Sauce” Recipe Contest offers the opportunity for culinary novices and home cooks to submit their favorite pizza sauce and pizza recipes for a chance to win up to $1,000 and the opportunity to be considered for distribution at retailers nationwide. Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes looks forward to finding the best recipes in the United States and to continue their growing support of donations to local homeless shelters throughout the United States.
Pizza lovers, ages 18 and older, can submit their recipes at https://eatjustlikehome.com/2023-recipe-contest from April 15 through June 15, 2023. All winners will be notified of final prize(s) via email on or about July 31, 2023 and posted on our website on or about August 31, 2023 as follows:
PIZZA SAUCE: One (1) pizza sauce recipe creator will win $1,000 plus a chance to have his or her name and likeness on a jar of Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes® pizza sauce.
PIZZA: Four (4) pizza recipe creators will each win $250 plus a chance to have his or her name and likeness published on Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes® website and social media channels.
The Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes team will carefully evaluate every recipe that is submitted, and the winners will be determined based on consumer taste test results and overall product appeal; if selected for the winning pizza sauce recipe, a separate agreement will be executed between the recipe creator and JLH Recipes, LLC.
Food is more than just dinner, it is spending time with those that mean the most to you, hearing stories, sharing laughs, and now home cooks have a unique opportunity to bring those same characteristics of their favorite meals to people everywhere.
Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes is excited to offer this special opportunity for people across America to potentially share with the world their favorite recipes, all with the end result of assisting in Just Like Home Kitchen’s mission to help and support homeless shelters throughout the United States. Great food is about sharing meals and memories with those that mean the most to you. With Just Like Home Kitchen Recipes, those favorite memories of your favorite dinner can be shared by people across the nation.